Sarah Clarkson

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I'm in Oxford!

Dear friends, Life kidnapped me. It didn't just run away with me, it smacked me in the head and dragged me along on a wild escape from sanity and I didn't manage to disentangle myself until this week. I looked up and discovered however that life may just have been a grace in disguise because... lo and behold - I'm a student at Oxford University!

It's only for a term, but I have official member status at Trinity College Oxford, I am taking tutorials in Children's Literature, Celtic Mythology, and perhaps C.S. Lewis if I can manage it. I live in a tiny flat next to the Thames and walk cobblestone streets to study in the Bodleian library (which is just as mysterious as it sounds) each day.

The story of how I got here will take awhile to tell, but for now, I wanted you to know what is happening. I will post some snippets of Oxford life soon and pick back up the thread of writing through those posts.

Just so you'll know, my time as a mentor at Summit Semester was a thing of joy. I love my girls and got to be part of a community that will continue throughout the coming years. Here's a link to my concluding thoughts on that subject: Taste and See: The Feast of Summit Semester.

For now, here's to the blessed craziness of life and the humorous workings of God that land us on strange and adventurous shores.

More to come.