Sarah Clarkson

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A Small Annunciation of My Own

This is the irrational season,
When love blooms bright and wild...

-Madeleine L'Engle

Well, since we're in the season of annunciations anyway, I thought I'd keep the theme of blessed babes arriving with a small annunciation of my own. Without further ado...

The Tiny Baby, Anita Klein

Come early March, a tiny girl child will be joining Thomas and me in our little corner of Oxford.

I'm five and a halfish months along and so far, all is blessedly well and this little one is beginning to be quite a vigorous dancer within. We are... can there really be words to describe the gift of a baby? Profoundly delighted? Awed? Slightly overwhelmed by the magnitude of this coming? Heart-stoppingly grateful, all the time, yes. 

For the past few months I've felt like Mary, treasuring the knowledge of this little girl in my heart, pondering the grace of her coming. I've needed to keep the news of her close, close, giving her time to take up her place in our plans and imagination. But as my belly finally gets noticeable (its no fun being tall with your first baby), I find this little one pushes her way into my thought and imagination, my imagery and ideas. Her kicks are my companion as I write and I find she begins to shape the things I want to say.

So I thought I'd better tell you which baby I was talking about when I begin. 

And why my eyes may seem to have caught a bit of starlight these days (when I'm not sleeping, that is). 

There is so much sweetness on its way. 

New Baby, Woodcut, Carol Walklin